Cogito, ergo, Sum

Thursday, June 28, 2012

The boogeyman

Ok, it just occured to me I have yet to tell one of the funniest stories of my life on this blog. let's start with a flashback shall we?

Back to around ten years ago, I can't remember the specific date, the point is I was very young. I am sleeping over at my grandparents house, and J, the son of  a friend of the family (and my brother's godparents) is a good deal older than me, in his late teens already. I'm getting ready to go to bed, and he decides he wants to try and freak me out. So what does he do? He starts going on about how the Boogeyman is hiding in the closet, and as soon as I fall asleep he is going to come out and get me. My response?


Odd response eh? Well, here's the deal. My parents are not young, so I grew up with a lot of oldies music... and disco. For anyone without knowledge of that time, disco dancing was also called the boogy.

When most kids think of the boogeyman, they think of this horrible creature who is going to come out and kill him. I grew up with boogy music. I hear the phrase boogeyman and I think of a guy with a big afro, neon green suit, doing the freaking boogy. That's just always what I imagined.

It annoyed the living hell out of J. Because he couldn't scare me with it. Then he started trying other tactics like monsters in the closet or under the bed. Well, by this time I had read books like Narnia and the Phantom Tollbooth, and seen movies like "Monster's Inc." I just couldn't be scared as a little kid.

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