Cogito, ergo, Sum

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Politics, the VP debate

Well, one thing is for sure, this debate is not as clear cut as the first presidential debate was. It seemed to me almost like a cat fight at times! Here are my goods and bads for each man:

Ryan: He hit the jobs point home really well. Romney is a business man, and Ryan is an economist, they are jobs guys. I also like how respectful he was, much more so than Biden was. I think he handled himself very well, though he did say "I agree with you" to much.

Biden: he handled the foreign policy question very well. Some of what he said simply wasn't true, but that was his question, for sure. Now that I have said something nice about him, Joe Biden is an ass. The man was so disrespectful with all his chuckles and stupid smirks, I would be mad at any one doing that to anyone else. He also recited a number of flat out lies, about what Obama has and hasn't done, and Romney as well.

And don't even get me started on that abortion question. Joe Biden calling himself a catholic is an insult to Catholics everywhere. It is really quite simple, you cannot call yourself a catholic and agree with abortion in any way. I am actually against Ryan's "except in circumstances of rape, incest, and health of the mother." Why should an innocent child have to pay for what some a$$hole did to a poor woman? I realize the woman is traumatized, but that is no reason to kill a baby.

All in all, it was an interesting debate, and I must admit Biden did speak more eloquently than I thought he would. I may write some more about this for my catch of the day, but right now I am way to tired.


1 comment:

  1. I think Paul Ryan is compromising on the abortion issue; I notice immediately that he specified that those were the Romney administration's views. I *think* that he's looking at it as a step in the right direction. If we outlaw abortion with those exceptions then maybe later we can outlaw except in medical cases.

    Just a guess, though.
