Cogito, ergo, Sum

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


"Another day another destiny. This never ending road to Calvary...." Ah-heh, couldn't resist putting a little Les Mis flair in there.

One day away from R rated movies! I know how stupid that sounds, but I am a serious movie fanatic. and the fact that a whole section of movies have been cut off to me for the past 16 years is devestating.

Now I know people say "Well, why didn't you just go with your parents or sneak in?"

My parents aren't nearly as into movies as I am and I'll admit it, I'm kind of a goodie-two-shoes. It has never occurred to me in my life to try and sneak into a movie. Well, whatever. I am one day away from total freedom of movie choice!

And to celebrate that, tomorrow I'm going to go see underworld awakening by myself. It's rated R. BOOOOYAAAHH!!! I really like the Underworld movies, they are fo shiz my guilty pleasure. I'm not normally one for lots of guts and gore, but something about those movies just caught me. Maybe it was just Michael Sheen in his amazingness.

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