Cogito, ergo, Sum

Monday, February 27, 2012

Black history month

I really hate the idea of black history month. I think it is insulting to African Americans. Do we have a white history month? How about Irish, or German? No, because we just consider them a part of human history. Well guess what, so is black history!!

We focus so hard on reversing and making up for racism in the past that we over correct, and now we're being racist towards white people!!

I think it is insulting to all those involved, and I really really dislike black history month.

1 comment:

  1. It's rather odd, I'll give you that. What would be interesting is a sort of feast day, but instead of for saints for cultures. That's something that would fit into the American psyche rather well, as we're litterally from everywhere. Have a day in Feburary for blacks, a day in March for the Irish (not at the same time as Saint Patrick's day), a day in December for Germans, etc.
